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Veined Monkey§Headericon

Veined Monkey
◀︎ Phileta Tiger Moth§Headericon
Phileta Tiger Moth
Pink Dalcera§Headericon
Pink Dalcera
#44 Veined Monkey

Icon§Butterflies Icon§CC Icon§Flutterpedia Icon§CC Icon§Caterpillar Icon§CC Icon§Cocoon Icon§CC Icon§Egg

Veined Monkey§Flutterpedia

Scientific Name: Tissanga pretoriae (Oceania)
Set: Chausiku Set§Icon Chausiku
Rarity: RarityIcon§Epic Epic
Size: SizeIcon§Medium Medium

Incubation Time: 3 hours
Caterpillar Time: 45 minutes
Egg Lay Cost: Icon§Glowbuck 175
Fusing: Icon§CC 2,500 on all stages – Icon§CC 10,000 in total
Selling Value: Icon§CC 5,000 on all stages

Description: Veined Monkey fly amongst the dry grassland forests of South Africa in the company of giraffes and wildebeest.

Level Data
Level Pollen to next level Coin Production
Level0Icon 340 Icon§PollenSmall Icon§CC 90 every 45 minutes
Level1Icon 680 Icon§PollenBig Icon§CC 120 every 1 hour
Level2Icon 1,020 Icon§TwoPollen Icon§CC 150 every 75 minutes
Level3Icon 1,360 Icon§ThreePollen Icon§CC 210 every 105 minutes
Level4Icon 1,700 Icon§FourPollen Icon§CC 240 every 2 hours
Level5Icon total: 5,100 Icon§FourPollen Icon§CC 270 every 135 minutes
*If there's an asterisk next to the number, the data isn't fully confirmed yet.


  • With the Update Version 1.14 of 20th September 2016 the selling price changed from Icon§CC 75 on stage 0 and 1, Icon§CC 300 on stage 2, Icon§CC 675 on stage 3, Icon§CC 1,200 on stage 4 and Icon§CC 1,875 on max level to the double amount of fusing costs for all stages and the amount of coins to fuse increased from Icon§CC 289 to Icon§CC 2,500.
