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Marbled Emperor§Headericon

Marbled Emperor
◀︎ Cabbage Tree Emperor§Headericon
Cabbage Tree Emperor
Slender Burnished Brass§Headericon
Slender Burnished Brass
#70 Marbled Emperor
(Currently not available through the incubator)

Icon§Butterflies Icon§CC Icon§Flutterpedia Icon§CC Icon§Caterpillar Icon§CC Icon§Cocoon Icon§CC Icon§Egg

Marbled Emperor§Facebook

Scientific Name: Heniocha dyops (Event)
Set: Boom Set§Icon Boom
Rarity: RarityIcon§Legendary Legendary
Size: SizeIcon§Large Large

Incubation Time: 8 hours
Caterpillar Time: 2 hours
Egg Lay Cost: Icon§Glowbuck 250
Fusing: Icon§CC 250 on all stages – Icon§CC 1,000 in total
Selling Value: Icon§CC 500 on all stages

Description: Marbled Emperor caterpillars eat the thorny Acacia Tree leaves along with giraffes, gazelles, and even elephants!

Level Data
Level Pollen to next level Coin Production
Level0Icon 192 Icon§PollenSmall Icon§CC 360 every 2 hours
Level1Icon 384 Icon§PollenBig Icon§CC 495 every 165 minutes
Level2Icon 576 Icon§TwoPollen Icon§CC 630 every 210 minutes
Level3Icon 768 Icon§ThreePollen Icon§CC 810 every 270 minutes
Level4Icon 960 Icon§FourPollen Icon§CC 945 every 315 minutes
Level5Icon total: 2,880 Icon§FourPollen Icon§CC 1080 every 6 hours
*If there's an asterisk next to the number, the data isn't fully confirmed yet.
